
共63本書 ·60本有推薦語 適合男孩 , 中文書
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【賓果58夜行動物】 Creatures of the night (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第三輯 Go wild) 58 Creatures of the night 夜之生物 ●導(dǎo)讀頁 My brother is a monster Bats and owls snooze in the daytime and come out at night to hunt. My baby brother is wide awake at night, too. He sleeps in the day and then wakes up and begins to cry. I think he might be a night monster. 我弟弟是怪獸 蝙蝠和貓頭鷹在日間打盹,夜間出來獵食。 我的小寶貝兒弟弟也在夜晚清醒得很呢。 他在白天睡覺,醒來以后就開始哭。 我想他可能是個(gè)黑夜怪獸吧。 ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about night animals? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解夜間動物嗎? Science | Nocturnal animals 科學(xué) | 夜行動物 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:An Jun-seok 安俊石 標(biāo)題: Creatures of the night 夜之生物 正文 ●02 Bats often fly at night. They are not birds, though. Birds lay eggs but bats are mammals and have live babies. 蝙蝠通常在夜間飛行。 即使它們并不是鳥類。 鳥類生蛋但蝙蝠是哺乳動物,懷有活生生的寶寶。 ●03 Bats have poor eyesight but their hearing is excellent. They can hear even the smallest sounds from far away. 蝙蝠的視力很弱但聽力很棒。 它們甚至能聽到遠(yuǎn)方最細(xì)小的聲音。 ●04 TIP A bat sends out sounds with its mouth and nose. When the sound hits small creatures, it bounces back to the bat so the bat knows exactly where they are. 提示 蝙蝠用它的嘴巴和鼻子傳遞聲波。 當(dāng)聲波觸到小生物那兒,它會回彈到蝙蝠處,然后蝙蝠就會確切地知道它們在哪兒。 ●05 Flap, flap! Flap, flap! The bats fly towards the sound and grab their prey. 撲哧,撲哧!撲哧,撲哧! 蝙蝠循聲而飛,捕捉獵物。 ●07 Baby owls are always hungry and crying for food. Their father takes off to find them a meal. 貓頭鷹寶寶們總是感到饑餓,并且哭著要食。 它們的父親飛出去為它們找食物。 ●09 In the blink of an eye, Papa Owl swoops down and grabs a mouse. 眨眼間,貓頭鷹爸爸俯沖而下,攫住了一只老鼠。 ●10 Owls are famous for how quiet they are as they fly. The mouse had no idea the owl was coming for it, until it was too late! 貓頭鷹以在飛行時(shí)能做到非常安靜而著稱。 老鼠全然不知貓頭鷹的來襲,直到為時(shí)已晚。 ●12 Papa Owl brings back the mouse and the mother owl tears it into pieces and shares them among the babies. 貓頭鷹爸爸帶回了老鼠,貓頭鷹媽媽把它們撕成一片一片,在寶寶們中進(jìn)行分食。 ●13 A squirrel peeps out from a hole in the tree and takes a look around. 一只松鼠從樹洞里探出來,朝周圍四處張望。 ●14 Whoosh! It flies across to the next tree! Wow! Who knew squirrels could fly? 嗖! 它飛躍到了旁邊的一棵樹上! 哇! 誰知道松鼠還能飛? ●16 ‘I am the amazing, soaring, flying squirrel!’ “我是神奇的,翱翔的,飛鼠!” ●17 The flying squirrel is nibbling on some hazelnuts. 飛鼠正啃著一些榛果。 ●18 It has a thin flap of skin between its front and back legs that helps it to glide. It can’t flap its wings and fly properly like a bat. 在它的前后腿間,有著一層薄薄的翼膜,幫助它滑行。 它不能撲扇翅膀,而能恰似蝙蝠般飛行。 ●19 The flying squirrel gathers up some hazelnuts and hagberries. Flying squirrels need to hibernate like other squirrels. They save up lots of food to make it through the cold winter days. 飛鼠攢[zǎn]起一些榛果和漿果。 飛鼠需要像其它松鼠一樣冬眠。 它們儲藏大量食物,以熬過寒冬日子。 ●21 Brown hawk-owl 鷹鸮 [中文版] 雕鸮 Wildcat 野貓 Raccoon 浣熊 ●22 Just like bats, owls, and flying squirrels, some other creatures are most active at night. These animals are called nocturnal animals. What others are there? 像蝙蝠,貓頭鷹,飛鼠一樣,以及其它一些在夜晚最為活躍的生物,統(tǒng)稱為:夜行動物。 夜行動物還有其它哪一些呢? Otter 水獺[tǎ] ●24 It can be difficult to find nocturnal animals because they stay away from people. They are frightened of being caught or hunted. 夜行動物與人們保持距離,因此較難找到它們。 它們怕被捕捉。 We need to be kinder to nature. Let’s protect the animals so that they can live free and wild, and safe from humans. 我們需要對自然更友善一些。 讓我們來保護(hù)動物們,讓它們自在地生活,保持天性,讓它們對人類有安全感。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Bats love the night 蝙蝠愛黑夜 Bats often live deep inside caves. 蝙蝠通常居住在洞穴深處。 During the day they hide and sleep. 日間,它們藏起來睡覺。 As the sun sets, they fly out, looking for food. 日落后,它們飛出來,尋覓食物。 ●26 Bats prey on small creatures such as mosquitoes, grasshoppers, and other bugs. 蝙蝠捕食小生物,像:蚊子,蚱蜢和其它昆蟲。 As day breaks, they head back to their home. 佛曉,它們飛回家中。 ●27 Animal Facts 動物二三事 Save the animals 拯救動物 Nocturnal animals are getting harder to spot. Logging has destroyed a lot of forests where they live, and towns and cities are spreading farther. 夜行動物變得越來越難被觀察到了。 砍伐破壞了許多它們賴以生存的森林,城鎮(zhèn)正在不斷擴(kuò)張和蔓延。 Tarsier 跗[fū] 猴 These big-eyed animals sleep during the day but at night they hunt for bugs, lizards, snails and similar foods. A tarsier’s eyes cannot roll, so to look at something, they need to turn their head towards it. 這些大眼動物們在日間睡覺,在夜間捕食昆蟲,蜥蜴,蝸牛,和相似的食物。 跗猴的眼睛不能轉(zhuǎn)動,它們需要轉(zhuǎn)動頭來看東西。 Otter 水獺 Otters have webbed paws to help them live in water. They swim in rivers and creeks and catch catfish, crabs, snails and frogs. 水獺有著帶蹼的爪子來幫它在水里生活。 它們在河里和溪里游泳,捉鯰魚,蟹,蝸牛,青蛙為食。 ●28 Science | Nocturnal animals 科學(xué) | 夜行動物 Brown hawk-owl 鷹鸮 This bird hunts at night, but at dusk and dawn it can be heard, making its ‘ooh-uck’ sound. 這種鳥夜晚捕食,但在黃昏和黎明,能聽到它發(fā)出的“嗷-咳”的聲音。 Raccoon 浣熊 Raccoons eat just about anything they can find, from nuts, seeds, and fruit to snakes, birds, and frogs. They often catch fish if they are near water. 但凡浣熊能夠找到的食物,它們通通都吃,從堅(jiān)果,種子,水果,蛇,鳥,直到青蛙。 如果靠近水邊,它們通常會捕魚而食。 Weasel 黃鼠狼 These furry hunters are fierce! They will fight anything, despite their small size. They hunt for field mice and frogs on the ground and climb trees to find fruit and eggs. 這些毛茸茸的獵食者很是生猛! 盡管它們的身形是那么小,卻會與任何東西干起架。 它們捕食地面上的田鼠和青蛙,同時(shí)會爬樹去找水果和蛋吃。 Wildcat 野貓 They look very similar to housecats, but they have thick fur to keep them warm. At night they hunt for field mice, rabbits and pheasants. 它們和家貓長得很像,但是它們身披厚厚的皮毛來保暖。 在夜晚,它們獵食田鼠,兔子和野雞。
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (30.9%), 3-4歲 (22.1%)
【賓果59共生】 Nature's best friends (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第三輯 Go wild) 59 Nature’s best friends 大自然最好的朋友 ●導(dǎo)讀頁 Strange friends 奇怪的朋友們 I don’t think I would be friends with an ant, or an aphid. But they are good friends with each other. I wouldn’t be friends with a crocodile, either. Those jaws are too snappy! But the plover trusts him and they help each other. I will leave them with their friends, and find my own friends to share with. 我不認(rèn)為我會是螞蟻或蚜蟲的朋友。 但是它們相互間是好朋友。 我也不會是鱷魚的朋友。 它們的頜太敏銳啦! 但是鸻[héng]信任它,它們之間互助。 就讓它們和它們的朋友們好好待著吧, 讓我來找找屬于我自己的,相互分享的朋友。 ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about nature’s relationships? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解大自然的關(guān)系嗎? Science | Symbiosis 科學(xué) | 共生 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Park A-lim 樸亞林 標(biāo)題: Nature’s best friends 大自然最好的朋友 正文 ●02 This crocodile has finished eating its lunch. The plovers, or ‘crocodile birds’, fly over and pick out any food that is stuck in the crocodile’s teeth. They have a great relationship. 鱷魚吃完了它的午餐。 鸻鳥,或者說“鱷魚的朋友”,飛到它頭上,挑出任何卡在鱷魚牙齒里的食物。 它們的關(guān)系相當(dāng)不錯(cuò)。 ●03 Ladybirds love to eat aphids. Ants help to protect the aphids by scaring away the ladybirds. To say thank you, the aphids help the ants to get to their favourite sweet juices inside the plants. 瓢蟲愛吃蚜蟲。 螞蟻幫助和保護(hù)蚜蟲,嚇走瓢蟲。 作為感謝,蚜蟲幫助螞蟻獲得植物里它們最愛的甜汁。 ●05 The bees and butterflies fly from flower to flower searching for nectar. When they visit each flower, they drop off pollen from the other flowers. The flowers and insects help each other to survive. 蜜蜂和蝴蝶在花叢中飛來飛去采花蜜。 當(dāng)它們探訪每一朵花兒時(shí),它們從一朵花上傳播花粉到另一朵花上。 花朵和昆蟲相互間幫助著彼此來謀生。 ●08 Water buffalo always have lice on their skin. It drives the water buffalo crazy! Luckily, oxpecker birds often stop by and hop around the buffalo’s back. They peck up all the lice they see. 水牛總是有虱子粘在它們皮膚上。 搞得水??煲l(fā)瘋! 幸運(yùn)的是,啄牛鳥通常停留在水牛的背上跳來跳去。 它們啄取每一只它們看到的虱子。 ●10 The sea anemones need to move to somewhere new, with more food. The hermit crab lets them hitch a ride. In return, the sea anemone protects the crab from its enemies. It’s a great relationship. 海葵需要搬到某個(gè)有更多食物的新地方。 寄生蟹讓它們搭上一程。 作為回報(bào),??Wo(hù)寄生蟹抵御敵人。 關(guān)系真好。 ●11 Sea anemones have another friend, the clownfish. You know, like Nemo?! Clownfish make their home inside the anemone’s stinging tentacles. ??麚碛辛硪粋€(gè)朋友,小丑魚。 你可知,就像(《海底總動員》里的)Nemo? 小丑魚在??麕Т痰挠|須角里做窩。 ●12 When a predator comes, the clownfish can carry on sleeping safely. They return the favour by dropping scraps of food that the anemone enjoys. 當(dāng)掠食者來襲時(shí),小丑魚能安全地繼續(xù)睡覺。 作為回報(bào),它們幫助??麕Щ厮鼈兿矚g吃的食物殘?jiān)?●13 ‘Hey, cleaner fish! Do me a favour!’ The moray eel has some food stuck between its teeth. “嘿,魚兒清道夫!幫我一個(gè)忙!” 海鱔有一些食物卡在牙縫里了。 ●14 ‘We’re on our way!’ The eel opens its mouth for the cleaner fish to do their work. Thanks, fish! “我們來啦!” 海鱔張開它的嘴,讓清潔魚例行工作。 謝謝了,魚兒! ●16 The remora fish hitch a ride on the side and belly of a shark. That’s brave! Why don’t the sharks eat them? The remoras are keeping the sharks clean by nibbling at dirt and parasites. It works both ways! 印魚搭在了鯊魚肚皮的一側(cè)前行。可真勇敢哪! 為何鯊魚不吃它們呢? 印魚能給鯊魚保持清潔呢,啃掉它們身上的臟物和寄生蟲。 它們都對對方有用! ●17 Look out! The snake wants to eat the osprey’s precious eggs. The wrens nearby scream loudly to scare the snakes away. 小心! 蛇想要吃魚鷹寶貴的蛋卵。 在附近的鷦鷯[ jiāo liáo]大聲尖叫,嚇走蛇。 ●18 As a thank you, the osprey allows the tiny wren to live in small holes in its nest. It can protect the wren’s eggs when it looks after its own. 為了感謝,魚鷹讓小鷦鷯在它的巢內(nèi)的小洞中居住。 當(dāng)魚鷹照看自己的蛋的時(shí)候,也能保護(hù)鷦鷯的蛋。 ●19 The silvereye thinks the nectar of the camellia flower is so delicious. It lands on the plants and drinks as much as it can. 繡眼鳥覺得山茶花的蜜相當(dāng)可口。 它落腳到這些植物上,喝了好多好多。 ●20 The camellias get their reward from the birds. The birds carry their pollen from flower to flower as they fly. 山茶花得到了鳥兒們的獎(jiǎng)賞。 鳥兒在飛行時(shí)給它們傳播花粉。 ●21 ‘Hey! Honey badger! Over here!’ The honeyguide bird finds a beehive full of delicious honey. It is the honey badger’s favourite food. “嘿!蜜獾!就在這兒!” 蜂鳥找到了一個(gè)充滿著美味蜂蜜的蜂巢。 那是蜜獾最愛的食物了。 ●22 TIP The honey badger cracks open the nest and feasts on the honey. When it has finished, there is still some honey left for the honeyguide. The birds gobble up the bee larvae and wax inside, too. 提示 蜜獾掰開巢,盡享蜂蜜。 它吃好后,仍會留下些蜂蜜給蜂鳥。(除此之外,) 蜂鳥也會生吞蜂巢里蜜蜂的幼蟲和蜂蠟。 ●24 All of these animals that work together and help each other have a symbiotic relationship. 所有這些一起工作和互助的動物們,有著共生的關(guān)系。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! We are best friends! 我們是最好的朋友! Aphids provide ants with delicious plant juice, while the ants protect the aphids from ladybirds. 蚜蟲為螞蟻提供美味的植物汁液,而螞蟻保護(hù)蚜蟲抵御瓢蟲。 Oxpeckers eat all the lice they can find on a water buffalo’s body. Both creatures are happy! 啄牛鳥會啄食它們在水牛身上找到的所有虱子。 這倆生物都很開心! Sea anemones protect hermit crabs, and the hermit crabs carry the anemones from place to place. ??Wo(hù)寄生蟹,寄生蟹帶著??驳揭惶幱忠惶帯?●26 Moray eels provide food for the cleaner fish, while their mouth is kept fresh and clean! 海鱔為清潔魚提供食物,而它們的嘴內(nèi)總保持著清新與干凈! Sea anemones protect the little clownfish, and the clownfish provide scraps of food. ??Wo(hù)著小丑魚,而小丑魚為它提供食物殘?jiān)?Sharks stay clean thanks to the remoras. The remoras don’t have to swim, and don’t get gobbled up! 鯊魚能保持清潔得感謝印魚。 印魚不需游泳,也不會被(鯊魚)吞掉! ●27 Relationship Facts 關(guān)系二三事 One-sided 單邊 The animals you have seen help each other. Both get something good from the symbiotic relationship. Sometimes, only one side gets the bonus. This is called a parasitic relationship. 你所見到的動物們相互幫助。它們從共生關(guān)系中獲取到一些食物。 有時(shí),當(dāng)只有雙方中的一方得到福利。這種情形稱為:寄生關(guān)系。 Mistletoe 槲[hú]寄生 Mistletoe is a parasite that sucks away nutrients from the trees it grows on. 槲寄生是從成長中的樹中汲取營養(yǎng)的寄生者。 Mushroom 蘑菇 Mushrooms make their own energy and nutrients from dead and dying leaves and wood. 蘑菇從已經(jīng)或即將枯死的葉子、木材中,吸收對它們有益的能量和營養(yǎng)。 ●28 Science | Symbiosis 科學(xué) | 共生 Odd relationships 奇特的關(guān)系 Aphids suck the nutrients right out of plants. They are very destructive and make the plants weak and sick. Plants welcome the ladybirds that feast on these aphids. But some ants have an arrangement with the aphids. The ants scare away the ladybirds, and in return, the aphids make a special juice called honeydew that the ants love to drink. 蚜蟲從植物中吮吸養(yǎng)分。它們非常具有破壞性,使得植物虛弱與生病。 植物歡迎瓢蟲把這些蚜蟲當(dāng)成盛宴。 但螞蟻們會對蚜蟲有所照應(yīng)。 螞蟻嚇走瓢蟲,作為回報(bào),蚜蟲制造一種稱為甘露的特殊汁液,螞蟻很愛喝。 Do you know about snakewood? 你知道蛇紋樹嗎? Snakewood grows very fast and some creatures feast on it. Ants protect it from these predators by nesting inside it and defending it. 蛇紋樹長得非???,有一些生物讓它們大飽口福。 螞蟻在它的里面做窩和抵御掠食者,它被蛇紋樹所庇護(hù)著。
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (25.8%), 3-4歲 (25.3%)
【賓果60月亮】 The magical moon (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第三輯 Go wild) 60 The magical Moon 奇妙的月亮 ●導(dǎo)讀頁 Changing faces 變臉 The Moon is magical. It changes all the time. 月亮很神奇。 它無時(shí)無刻不在變化。 Sometimes, it is a neat, slim curve like Mummy’s eyebrow. Sometimes, it is more like a slice of apple. 有時(shí),它呈靈巧的細(xì)弧形,形如媽媽的眉毛。 有時(shí),它更像一瓣被切好的蘋果。 When the Moon is full, it shines bright and round, like a dinner plate in the sky. 月盈之時(shí),它呈圓形,和煦地閃耀著,恰如餐盤懸于空中。 ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about the Moon? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解月亮嗎? Science | The Moon 科學(xué) | 月亮 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Son Maun-jing 孫滿珍 標(biāo)題:The magical Moon 奇妙的月亮 正文 ●01 JAN(uary) 一月 SUN(day) 周日/星期日 MON(day) 周一 TUE(sday) 周二 WED(nesday) 周三 THU(rsday) 周四 My birthday 我的生日 ●02 FRI(day) 周五 SAT(urday) 周六 gogo!! 加油,去??! Going skiing 去滑雪 Look at the calendar… 看看日歷…… ●03 The solar calendar 陽歷/公歷 The lunar calendar 陰歷/農(nóng)歷 ●04 There are large numbers, and small numbers. (日歷上)有大數(shù),有小數(shù)。 TIP A calendar sometimes has two numbers. The large ones are for the solar calendar. The small ones are for the lunar calendar. 提示 日歷有時(shí)會有兩個(gè)數(shù)。 大數(shù)表示的是陽歷。 小數(shù)表示的是陰歷。 ●06 We always check the large numbers on a calendar, because most people use the solar calendar. 我們習(xí)慣在日歷上查看大數(shù),因?yàn)榇蟛糠秩硕际褂藐枤v。 ●07 Lunar calendars are based on the Moon. They show how long it takes for the Moon to go from a new moon to a full moon. 陰歷是基于月亮而言的。 它們顯示的是,月亮從新月到滿月所需的時(shí)間。 ●08 Do you know how the Moon changes in a month? 你知道在一個(gè)月當(dāng)中,月亮是怎樣發(fā)生變化的嗎? ●10 A new moon is a crescent shape. It looks like an eyebrow. It can be seen on the third day of the month in the lunar calendar. This new moon comes up in the western night sky. 新月呈月牙形。就像眉毛。 在陰歷中,能在每個(gè)月的第三天看到。 新月會上升到西邊方向的夜空上。 ●11 First quarter 上弦月 New moon 新月 Waning moon 殘?jiān)?又稱:峨眉月或月虧) Last quarter 下弦月 Full moon 滿月(又稱:盈月或望月) Earth 地球 ●12 When the right side of the Moon is lit up, we call it the first quarter. When it is the 7th or 8th of the lunar calendar we can see this first quarter moon in the western sky. 當(dāng)月亮的右側(cè)是亮著的,我們稱為上弦月。 在陰歷的第 7~8 天,我們能看在西邊方向上看到上弦月。 New moon — First quarter — Full moon— Last quarter — Waning moon 新月-上弦月-滿月-下弦月-殘?jiān)?●14 You can see the full moon around the 15th of every lunar calendar. Our ancestors used to think that there was a jade rabbit in the Moon when it was full. 大概在每個(gè)陰歷的第 15 天,你能見到滿月。 我們的先祖?zhèn)円欢日J(rèn)為滿月之時(shí),有一只月兔在月亮上呢。 ●15 When the left half of the Moon is visible, we call it the last quarter. This Moon can be seen after midnight from the 22nd to the 23rd of the lunar calendar. 當(dāng)月亮的左半邊可見之時(shí),我們稱其為下弦月。 在陰歷的第 22~23 天,午夜過后,我們能見到下弦月。 ●18 The new moon flips over to the other side and becomes the waning moon. It shows up in the night sky on the 26th or 27th of the lunar calendar. If you want to see it, you will need to wake up early, before the sun rises. 新月轉(zhuǎn)入另一側(cè),變?yōu)闅堅(jiān)隆?它在陰歷的每月 26~27 日懸于夜空中。 如果你想看到它,你得在太陽升起前,早起。 ●20 There are a few rare times when the Moon covers the Sun. This is called a solar eclipse. 極少的時(shí)間,月亮?xí)烟柹w住。 這被稱之為 solar eclipse 日食。 ●21 Occasionally, the Earth blocks the Sun’s rays and stops them from lighting up the Moon. This is called a lunar eclipse. A halo of light can still be seen around the edge. 無獨(dú)有偶,地球擋住了太陽的光芒,止住光線照射到月亮上。 這被稱之為 lunar eclipse 月食。 (太陽的)光環(huán)仍然能在太陽邊沿可見。 ●24 The Moon is the first place in space that humans have visited. It glows in our sky, night after night, so we are very fond of the Moon. Tonight, when you see it, say hello and give it a wave! 月亮是人類在外太空上第一個(gè)探訪過的地方。 它一夜又一夜的在天空中發(fā)光,我們都非常喜歡月亮。 今夜,當(dāng)你見到它時(shí),請揮一揮手向它問好喔~! ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Changing faces 變臉 The new moon can be seen on the 3rd of the lunar calendar. 新月能在陰歷的每月第 3 天可見。 The first quarter shows on the 7th or 8th. 上弦月是(陰歷)的第 7~8 天展現(xiàn)。 ●26 The full moon appears on the 15th of the lunar calendar. 滿月于陰歷的第 15 天出現(xiàn)。 The last quarter appears around the 22nd or 23rd. 下弦月大約在第 22~23 天出現(xiàn)。 The waning moon is the last, and shows around the 26th. 殘?jiān)略谧詈?,大概在每月?26 天呈現(xiàn)。 ●27 Lunar Facts 月二三事 Light but not light 照亮一切但不能照亮自己 The Moon looks like it is lit up, but it does not light up on its own. Its glow is because it reflects the light from the Sun. Whenever we look at the Moon from the Earth, we always see the same side. The other side is not always dark, we just can’t see it. 月亮看起來照亮(萬事萬物),但卻不能照亮它自己。 它的照射是因?yàn)樗瓷涮柕墓狻?無論何時(shí)我們從地球展望月亮,我們看到的都是同一面。 而另一面也不總是昏暗,只是我們看不到而已。 Lumps and bumps 磕磕碰碰 The Moon’s face has bumps and holes on it, called craters. They are made by meteors and asteroids that fly through space and crash into the Moon. There are also some ancient volcanoes on the Moon’s surface, and hardened lava. 月亮的表面有溝壑的地方,稱為火山口。它們是流星和小行星飛越太空,撞擊月亮造成的。 同樣也有一些古代火山(爆發(fā)),(巖漿)沖擊到月亮表面,形成硬化熔巖。 The other side 另一面 In 1959 the Soviet Union (now called Russia) sent the Luna 3 probe into space. It took the first picture of the far side of the Moon and sent it back to Earth. 在 1959 年,蘇聯(lián)共和國(現(xiàn)稱俄羅斯),發(fā)射了月亮 3 號探測器(Luna 3 probe)到太空。 這是第一張從月亮遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)的另一邊拍的照片,隨后被發(fā)回了地球。 ●28 Science | The Moon 科學(xué) | 月亮 Eclipses 日&月 食(蝕) A solar eclipse happens when the Moon moves in front of the Sun, blocking its light from the Earth. A lunar eclipse is when the Earth moves in front of the Sun, blocking its light from the Moon. 日食發(fā)生在當(dāng)月亮移到太陽前邊,擋住了太陽照射地球的光的時(shí)候。 月食是當(dāng)?shù)厍蛞频教柕那斑叄瑩踝×颂栒丈湓铝恋墓獾臅r(shí)候。 Solar Eclipse 日食 Lunar Eclipse 月食 The first step 第一步 In July, 1969, the spaceship Apollo 11 landed on the Moon. The astronaut Neil Armstrong left the first ever human footprint on the Moon’s surface. After this, more countries started their own space programs to try to explore space. 1969 年 7 月,太空船阿波羅 11 號登陸月球。 宇航員尼爾·阿姆斯特朗 Neil Armstrong 留下了人類史上登陸月球的第一步足跡。 在那之后,更多的國家啟動他們自己的太空計(jì)劃,嘗試著探索太空。
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