
2022-5-7 21:59 原創(chuàng)

連續(xù)上的G5和G6寫作課結(jié)束了,老師給娃的結(jié)課評語:Allen writes and speaks English with near-native ability. He has an excellent vocabulary, and he crafts well-written sentences. His biggest weakness in writing is common: he sometimes gets in a hurry and doesn't take the time to revise thoroughly or proofread. For formal school writing (application essays), he should remember the escalator essay: get to the point, then proofread and correct like crazy! 



The Ultimate Pet Peeve 

“That annoying moment when you hear the teacher say ‘Pet peeve essay, 300 words‘.“

Everyone will write a pet peeve essay once in a while. For those who haven’t yet, a Pet Peeve is a small yet annoying moment. And a pet peeve essay is a persuasive essay around that pet peeve that gives a way to solve that problem. 

Do you like writing pet peeve essays? Me neither. For one thing, there is no use wasting hours of your precious time and writing an essay which no one accepts. Being a student, no one will ever listen to your essay. While a piece of writing written by a 12-year-old can be exciting to read, most people don’t even take notice to a 92-year-old’s pet peeve. So why bother writing one? 

Maybe, teachers will stop asking us to write pet peeve essays. Maybe pet peeve essays will get so boring no one will bother to read them. Maybe someday everyone will forget about pet peeve essays.But it won’t be easy! 

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