
2018-8-18 20:16 原創(chuàng)

(本文為備課材料,課程約半小時,涵蓋書本Page 8至11) 

## 課前準備

- [ ] 孩子的Evidence Notebook (EN) 
- [ ] 準備畫畫用的紙、鉛筆和橡皮 
- [ ] 一塊白板用于板書,配套白板筆和白板擦 
- [ ] 準備好網(wǎng)絡視頻課件 

## 課堂引導

### Warm-up 
1. Review what engineers do (5 steps of the design process) (2min) 
2. Review Emma’s problem (0.5min) 

### Step 2-Plan and Build

1. Play the video on page 8 (1 min) 
2. Discuss what Emma does: (5 min) 
 - draws a model 
 - builds her model 
Think: why we need to make a plan? why build a model first instead of doing it immediately? 
(A model shows what an object or tool looks like and how it works. ) 
3. Play the video “Build a Better Lunchbox” (這里應該要做一個小實驗;時間所限就不做了,改為帶娃觀察他自己的午餐包是如何設(shè)計的) (2min) 
4. Review the problem we defined in last lesson (1min) 

5. Plan and Build a solution (10 min), record in EN.

### Step 3-Test and Improve 
1. Play the video on page 11 (1min) 
2. Discuss: how do you think of the design solution Emma came up with? Do you think it will work? Why the first solution does not work? (The ramp needs to be a solid surface) (5 min)

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